Facebook Set of 50/100 Panettone light paper molds Casolaro Hotellerie Spa

Set of 50/100 Panettone light paper molds

Set of 50/100 panettone light paper molds
in pure cellulose paper, densely perforated a pin from outside to inside,
Available sizes
Set 100 Panettoncino molds gr. 100 - ø cm. 7x5h
Set 60 high Panettone molds gr. 500 - ø cm. 14x10h
Set 80 high Panettone molds gr. 750 - ø cm. 15,5x10,4h
Set 80 high Panettone molds gr. 1000 - ø cm. 19x11,5h
Set 50 high Panettone molds gr. 1500 - ø cm. 20,5x13,5h

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The images set are for illustrative purposes.
  • CATEGORIES: Pastry Paper baking moulds
  • TAGS: Set of 50/100 Panettone molds, pastry, moulds, Paper baking moulds, Stampi in carta panettone stella colomba