Facebook Le Creuset black pepper grinder Casolaro Hotellerie Spa
Accessories table

Le Creuset black pepper grinder

Each package contains 1 pieces/set

Le Creuset black pepper grinder
The grinder has a height of 21 cm and is equipped with a metal knob engraved with the letter P (pepper) in relief for easy identification. The knob also allows you to adjust the thickness of the grind.
Le Creuset pepper mills boast a classic style combined with modern technology and bright colors to match any type of kitchen and table. Practical and useful in any situation, they consist of an internal stainless steel structure and a ceramic grinder covered with an ABS plastic body. The internal grinder is resistant to corrosion of pepper and salt

Unit price € 28,80 + VAT TAX
Package price € 28,80 + VAT TAX
Item: : 08097930
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  • CATEGORIES: Accessories table Salt, pepper & co
  • TAGS: Le Creuset black pepper grinder , accessories table, Salt & Pepper,