Facebook Hakai soup plate cm 26 Landhaus Casolaro Hotellerie Spa

Hakai soup plate cm 26

Each package contains 1 pieces/set

The Hakai soup plate is very versatile and adapts to different culinary occasions
Diameter 26 cm
The Hakai line, produced by Landhaus, is elegant and refined, featuring a combination of dark colors with bright and satin finishes, a mix of shades between petroleum green and brown.
Each piece, truly original, is decorated by hand with care.
With its combination of reactive colors and subtle shades, Hakai evokes an atmosphere of mystery and sophistication.
Each dish is a testament to craftsmanship and attention to detail.

Unit price € 9,97 + VAT TAX
Package price € 9,97 + VAT TAX
Item: : 06050681
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The images set are for illustrative purposes.
  • CATEGORIES: Porcelain Landhaus colored porcelain
  • TAGS: Hakai soup plate cm 26, porcelain, Landhaus colored porcelain plates, Piatti colorati per ristoranti Hakai Landhaus Casolaro, Landhaus